I work with Iowa nonprofits, and the donors who fund them — more here. But today, Friday, is perhaps a particularly good reminder about the importance of charities and charitable giving.

My favorite hour of the week happens on Friday — from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., Iowa time. Every week the great Tom Ashbrook of NPRs On Point summarizes the news of the week. It’s just a great news show, and especially on Friday, as it catches me up on anything I’ve missed during the week.

Later today, Monica and I will walk down from our new place to Fry Fest, to join everyone in a huge pep rally. Whether you are a Hawkeye, or a fan of another team, the kick off of a college football season is so much fun!

Two important institutions — Iowa Public Radio and The University of Iowa / your own alma mater — which both rely heavily on the generosity of charitable givers. Happy Friday to all!

Gordon Fischer Law Firm, P.C. is dedicated to promoting and maximizing charitable giving in Iowa. Gordon can be reached by phone at 515-371-6077; by email at gordon@gordonfischerlawfirm.com; and through his website at www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com.

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