
Estate Planning and Charitable Giving: The Basics

A seminar presented by Gordon Fischer Law Firm, P.C.
When: Monday, January 25, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Where: Iowa City Senior Center, 28 S. Linn Street, Iowa City, Room 208

–Free and open to the public– 

Gordon Fischer will lead the group in three discussions:

  • Why you need a will and estate plan
  • 7 most common estate-planning mistakes
  • 5 easy ways to super charge your charitable giving

Please register by simply emailing name(s) to: or by calling 319-356-5220

A big shout out and thank you to the following sponsors:

Gordon Fischer is an Iowa lawyer with more than 20 years experience. The mission of his law firm is to promote and maximize charitable giving in Iowa. Reach out any time — email is and phone is 515-371-6077.



40% off! If this sign were up at your favorite store, it would definitely get your attention.

Charitable gifts made during lifetime are generally preferable to charitable gifts made by will, for fairly simple tax reasons.

A charitable bequest is deductible for federal estate tax purposes, but is not deductible for income tax purposes.

A gift made during lifetime is out of the donor’s estate for estate tax purposes, but also provides the donor with a deduction for income tax purposes.

Thus, for donors in 40% combined federal-state income bracket, a charitable gift during lifetime is 40% less expensive than a similar gift during will.
