
March 12, 2025

On this date (March 12) in 1930, Mohandas Gandhi began his 24-day, 240 mile (387 kilometer) “Salt March” to the Indian village of Dandi (then called Navsari) as an act of non-violent civil disobedience to protest the salt tax levied by colonial Britain. Gandhi and his followers walked for 24 days, 10 miles per day. The Salt March helped to galvanize Indian resistance to British rule and introduced the world to Gandhi’s commitment to nonviolence. This all helped to lay the groundwork for India’s independence in 1947.

The Salt March was hard, exhausting, and dangerous.

Your nonprofit needs an Investment Policy. It needs commitment because it too is hard. But surely nothing like the bravery and discipline shown by Gandhi and his followers. So buckle up, read this post, learn about the need for an Investment Policy, and then follow through by contacting me to get started. (My email is

Introduction to an Investment Policy

Does your fave nonprofit have an Investment Policy? Sn Investment Policy is vital for every nonprofit, including yours! It doesn’t take a financial professional to realize that unregulated investing is at best, foolish, and at worst, utterly disastrous.

When we invest in something, we hope that the investment will accrue value over time. In fact, one important way that your organization’s Board of Directors can fulfill its fiduciary responsibility is through investing assets to further the nonprofit’s goals. But investing can be risky. That’s why it’s important that your nonprofit educate and protect itself by establishing an Investment Policy.

What is an Investment Policy?

Investments can be a useful way to grow value and support the mission of a nonprofit organization. But investments don’t always work in an investor’s best interest. In fact, some level of risk is inherent in most investments. An Investment Policy is a set of guidelines or procedures that will help your organization determine and manage how it invests its resources. And, just as importantly, an Investment Policy clarifies why your organization invests its resources the way it does.

An Investment Policy should regulate, at minimum, who is accountable for investment decisions, what kinds of investments are acceptable, and how investments will be tracked.

A comprehensive Investment Policy should accomplish the following:

  • Communicate how your organization’s mission and vision will guide investment choices.
  • Determine who will be responsible for the various pieces of investment management.
  • Communicate clear objectives to all parties involved (Officers, Directors, independent contractors, donors, etc.).
  • Clarify the specific procedures for investment selection.
  • Confirm procedures related to the expenditure of investments; when and why you’re your organization’s investments be utilized or spent?
  • Identify the criteria against which the performance of investments will be measured.
  • Address risk (tolerance, management, and diversification).
  • Identify reporting and disclosure procedures and requirements.
  • Function as a written, objective guide for ongoing oversight of your investments.

Don’t worry, we’ll get into how soon! But first, let’s explore the following question:

Why is an Investment Policy Important?

An Investment Policy protects your organization from poor investment decisions. At that same time, it demonstrates your organization’s adherence to best practices to internal and external parties.

It does this by: 

  • Providing guidelines for managing an organization’s financial resources effectively. 
  • Laying out procedures to evaluate and manage risk. 
  • Ensuring that investment decisions are aligned with the organization’s mission and objectives. 

IRS Form 990

A well-written Investment Policy will come in handy when filing IRS Form 990 (the annual nonprofit filing required by the Internal Revenue Service). Form 990 includes several questions about investments and associated policies. These can be found in Part IV, Part VIII, Part X, and Part XI. Organizations must report details about their investment portfolios including the types of investments, the value of each investment, and any gains or losses. A well-defined Investment Policy should create streamlined and reliable processes for tracking investments. This will provide your organization with more accurate data come filing time and will make the filing process less daunting.

Endowment Funds

An Investment Policy is particularly important for organizations with endowed funds. In other words, funds in which the assets are intended to last in perpetuity and are required to support the organization’s programs and services over the long term. An Investment Policy can protect and preserve these critical resources.

Hopefully we’ve convinced you by this point that an Investment Policy is important. Let’s go deeper.

Who Is Responsible?

Who within your organization should be responsible for making investment decisions? How will decisions be reached? Who will be responsible for investment management and tracking? To answer these questions and avoid confusion, your nonprofit’s Investment Policy should clearly define roles and responsibilities. This will ensure consistency and accountability.

Your Fave Nonprofit’s Board of Directors

Your Board of Directors should be responsible for proper management of investments. It’s typically the Board’s job to provide consistent oversight and ensure that funds are being used prudently and effectively. This will include regular audits. The Board should also regularly review the performance of investment accounts. The Investment Policy itself should be reviewed at least quarterly by the Board and updated as needed.

Many nonprofit Boards choose to hire a professional financial advisor or investment manager to implement investments and offer advice. This person’s role can be accounted for in the Investment Policy.

Your Board may choose to appoint the Executive Director (or a similar employee) to actively monitor your organization’s investments day-to-day, and/or to serve as the primary point of contact for outside professional advisors who are assisting in the management of funds.

An Investment Committee may also be useful in order to further define and manage responsibilities.

We’re about to dive into HOW to make smart investment decisions!

How Should Investment Decisions Be Made?

When your organization makes investment decisions, it may wish to consider the following questions:

  • What is the purpose of our assets?
  • What are the general economic conditions?
  • What are the possible effects of inflation or deflation?
  • What are the tax consequences, if any, of our investment decisions or strategies?
  • What is the role that each investment plays within the overall investment portfolio?
  • What is the expected total return from the income and appreciation of investments?
  • What are the needs of our organization currently and what are our goals?
  • What is an asset’s special relationship or value, if any, to our organization’s purpose(s)?

The specific questions and their answers may vary dramatically based on the size and scope of your organization. But even smaller nonprofits will benefit from creating an investment framework which can grow and develop alongside them.

Goal and Asset Length

How will your Board determine which types of assets to invest in?

It’s especially important for your Board to consider short-, medium-, and long-term goals when investing. Different types of assets require different commitments and hold varying degrees of risk and flexibility.

For example, when your organization decides where and how to invest its money, it will need to consider if it will require quick access to the funds (short-term), if it’s saving up for something in a few years (medium-term), or it it’s investing for the distant future (long-term).

To do this effectively, your Board will need to be well-versed in various types of investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, endowments, etc.). Your Board will need to examine its finances, mission, and goals. It should then utilize that information to determine how best to diversify its funding throughout various types of investments. This is called asset allocation.

As a reminder, if your organization’s Board of Directors does not feel confident in its ability to analyze and distribute investment funds, it can hire a financial expert to consult and assist in this process.

And don’t forget to set goals for how your organization expects and hopes these investments will perform.

By considering these factors and more, your organization can create a streamlined set of processes in its Investment Policy. This will ensure a balanced investment plan that aligns with your organization’s financial objectives.

There’s one more important piece – monitoring and tracking! This will be especially useful when completing your organization’s annual Form 990. Let’s dive in.

How to Track Your Investments (Performance Monitoring, Measurements, and Review)

Are your investments meeting their objectives? It’s important for your nonprofit to regularly review and monitor investment performance. Financial markets and your nonprofit’s circumstances can change over time. This makes it especially important to periodically reassess your organization’s investment strategies. Your organization can then assess progress, adjust as needed, and communicate results to stakeholders.

Regular performance monitoring should involve tracking financial metrics such as return on investment (ROI), portfolio diversification, and risk-adjusted returns. Monitoring processes may also include full audits on a regular schedule. Consider outlining an audit schedule within your Investment Policy. As a reminder, it is your Board’s responsibility to facilitate audits.

Ensure your Investment Policy includes procedures that outline the monitoring, measurement, and review processes that your organization deems necessary to ensure your investments are meeting their objectives. Your Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing these regular reviews.


If your organization is interested in drafting (or revisiting!) its Investment Policy, don’t hesitate to reach out today to the Gordon Fischer Law Firm.

For the month of March, I’m offering a special to Iowa nonprofits. I will draft, revise, and edit, specific to the unique mission of your nonprofit, the ten (10) policies expressly referenced by the IRS on Form 990.

Questions about the ten (10) policies referenced on IRS Form 990?

Again, my email is:

Please reach out to me anytime!


paper and phone on desk

Tax-exempt organizations need to have specific guidelines in place to be compliant and in order to meet the IRS’ expectations. It’s never too late (or early!) to invest in comprehensive internal and external policies and procedures. That’s why I’m offering the Nonprofit Policy: 10 for 990 special. You don’t have to feel overwhelmed or burdened at the thought of trying to draft legally correct and comprehensive policies. I’m offering a special deal for 10 important policies (read on for an overview of each) at the rate of $990. This also includes a comprehensive consultation and one full review round.

If you’re a nonprofit founder, executive, board member, or even an active volunteer, this is an excellent way to ensure the organization you’re deeply invested in is meeting (and exceeding!) the gold standard for tax-exempt organizations.

team members holding speech bubbles

I don’t know anyone who loves paperwork more than the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). But, if you’re operating a nonprofit, you’re going to have to learn how to embrace paperwork as well. Why? The IRS requires certain information from your organization be submitted annually via Form 990 “Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax.” This 12-page document (not including schedules) serves as a check to make certain nonprofit organizations are still qualified for that coveted tax-exempt status. To that point, the 990 asks nonprofits about policies and procedures that help ensure the nonprofit is conducting business in a transparent way that’s consistent with their exempt purposes. Specific governance policies encouraged by the IRS limit potential abuse, protect against vulnerabilities, and prevent activities that would go beyond permitted nonprofit activities.

Major Benefits & Reasons for Policies for Compliance

If governance policies are not technically required, why do them?

write ideas

The existence of a policy doesn’t mean compliance is assured, of course, but having policies in place provides a framework and the expectations for an organization’s executives, employees, volunteers, and board members. Such policies can also be referenced if/when issues arise.

One of the major reasons to invest in strongly written, organization-specific policies is because the IRS audits tax-exempt organizations, just as it audits companies and individuals. (Having certain policies in place will only serve to benefit the organization should it happen to be audited.)

Another major reason to have proper policies and procedures in place is because they provide a foundation for soliciting, accepting, and facilitating charitable donations. Last, but not least, the 990 is made accessible to the public, meaning it can be used as a public relations tool if filled out diligently. Major donors can and often do review a charity’s 990 to ensure the charity is compliant, putting charitable donations to good use, and continues to operate in alignment with the overall mission.

Form 990 also serves the greater nonprofit sector as the data collected allows for the monitoring of growth and trends, tracking the types of needs/issues being addressed by nonprofits, and identifying specific adopted practices.

What Policies are We Talking About?

One thing’s for certain, articles of incorporation and bylaws are just the beginning when it comes to foundational documents.

The IRS made a major revision to Form 990 in 2008. The old version focused largely on financial data. Now, Form 990 reports extensive information on operations such as board governance, fundraising, international programs, non-cash receipts, joint ventures, use of subsidiaries, and more. Let’s cover all the policies the IRS asks tax-exempt nonprofits to report on:

Conflict of Interest

Found on Form 990: Part VI, Line 12 a-c

A conflict of interest policy should do two important things:

  1. require board members with a conflict (or a potential conflict) to disclose it, and
  2. exclude individual board members from voting on matters in which there is a conflict.

The Form 990 glossary defines a “conflict of interest policy” as follows:

A policy that defines conflict of interest, identifies the classes of individuals within the organization covered by the policy, facilitates disclosure of information that may help identify conflicts of interest, and specifies procedures to be followed in managing conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest arises when a person in a position of authority over an organization, such as an officer, director, or manager, may benefit financially from a decision he or she could make in such capacity, including indirect benefits such as to family members or businesses with which the person is closely associated. For this purpose, a conflict of interest does not include questions involving a person’s competing or respective duties to the organization and to another organization, such as by serving on the boards of both organizations, that do not involve a material financial interest of, or benefit to, such person.

Form 990 asks whether the nonprofit has a conflict of interest policy, as well as how the organization determines and manages board members who have an actual or perceived conflict of interest. This policy is all too important, as conflicts of interest that are not successfully and ethically managed can result in “intermediate sanctions” against both the organization and the individual with the conflicts.

If consistently adhered to, this policy can inspire internal and external stakeholder confidence in the organization as well as prevent potential violations of federal and state laws.

Document Retention and Destruction

Found on Form 990: Part VI, Line 14

This policy should clarify what types of documents should be retained, how they should be filed, and for what duration. It should also outline proper deletion and or destruction techniques.

The document retention and destruction policy (DRD policy) is useful for a number of reasons. The principle rational as to why any organization would want to adopt such a policy is that it ensures important documents—financial information, employment records, contracts, information relating to asset ownership, etc.—are stored for a period of time for tax, business, and other regulatory purposes. No doubt document retention could be important for proof in litigation or a governmental investigation.

You may have heard of the federal law, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. It reaffirms the importance of a DRD policy. Sarbanes-Oxley reads:

Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

While the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation generally does not pertain to tax-exempt organizations, it does impose criminal liability on tax-exempt organizations for the destruction of records with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation.

Another reason a DRD policy is an excellent idea, is it forces an organization to save space and money associated with both hard copy and digital file storage, by determining what is no longer needed and when…it’s like sanctioned spring cleaning!


Found on Form 990: Part VI, Question 13 

Nonprofits, along with all corporations, are prohibited from retaliating against employees who call out, draw attention to, or “blow the whistle” against employer practices. A whistleblower policy should set a process for complaints to be addressed and include protection for whistleblowers.

Ultimately this policy can help insulate your organization from the risk of state and federal law violation and encourage sound, swift responses of investigation and solutions to complaints. Don’t just take it from me, the IRS also considers this an incredibly helpful policy:

A whistleblower policy encourages staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or violations of adopted policies of the organization, specifies that the organization will protect the individual from retaliation, and identifies those staff or board members or outside parties to whom such information can be reported. (Instructions to Form 990)

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (referenced under the document retention and destruction policy above) also applies here. If found in violation of Sarbanes-Oxley, both an organization and any individuals responsible for the retaliatory action could face civil and criminal sanctions and repercussions including prison time.


Competitive compensation is just as important for employees of nonprofits as it is for for-profit employees. Data related to compensation is reported in three different sections on Form 990: “Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees;” “Statement of Functional Expenses,” lines 5, 7, 8, and 9; and Schedule J;” and “Compensation Information for Certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees.”

Having a set policy in place that objectively establishes salary ranges for positions, updated job descriptions, relevant salary administration, and performance management, is used to establish equality and equity in compensation practices. A statement of compensation philosophy and strategy, which explains to current and potential employees and board members how compensation supports the organization’s mission, can be included in the compensation policy.

Generally, this policy provides the benefits of:

  • Enhanced confidence of donors and supporters
  • Consistent framework for decision making on compensation
  • Increased compliance with federal and state employment laws
  • Reduced risk to the organization and its management and governing board


The topic of fundraising gets substantial attention on Form 990; fundraising income and expenses are asked about in Part I, three places in Part IV, Part VIII, Part IX, and Schedules G and M. Almost every nonprofit needs a fundraising policy, as almost all engage in some sort of charitable fundraising. This policy should include provisions for compliance with local, state, and federal laws, as well as the ethical norms the organization chooses to abide by in fundraising efforts. Remember that fundraising doesn’t just include solicitation of donations, but also receipt of donations.

Gift Acceptance

Found on Form 990: Schedule M, Part I, line 31

While related to the fundraising policy, the gift acceptance policy relates to charitable contributions. There are no legal requirements for a gift acceptance policy, however this policy provides written protocols for nonprofit board members and staff to evaluate proposed non-cash donations. The policy can also grant some much-needed guidance in how to kindly reject donations that can carry extraneous liabilities and obligations the organization is not readily able to manage.

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One way a board of directors can fulfill their fiduciary responsibility to the organization is through investing assets to further the nonprofit’s goals. But, before investment vehicles are invested in, the organization should have an investment policy in place to define who is accountable for the investment decisions. The policy should also offer guidance on activities of growing/protecting the investments, earning interest, and maintaining access to cash if necessary.

Beyond the specifics of investments, this policy can also govern financial management decisions regarding situations like accepting charitable gifts of securities.

The policy should be written to give the nonprofit’s management personnel the authority to make investment decisions, as well as preserve the board’s oversight ability.

Many organizations hire a professional financial advisor or investment manager to implement investments and offer advice. This person’s role can be accounted for in the investment policy.

Form 990 does not ask if an organization has a specific investment policy, but it does refer to investments in multiple places throughout the form, hence the obvious need. 

Financial Policies and Procedures

Different than the aforementioned investment policy, the financial policies and procedures policy specifically addresses guidelines for making financial decisions, reporting financial status of the organization, managing funds, and developing financial goals. The financial management policies and procedures should also outline the budgeting process, investments reporting, what accounts may be maintained by the nonprofit, and when scheduled auditing will take place. Similar to the investment policy, Form 990 does not make a specific ask about an organization’s financial policies, but this type of policy will serve as an indispensable guide to organizing, collecting, and reporting financial data.

Form 990 Review

Found on Form 990: Part VI, Section B, Line 11

Form 990 asks the following questions:

  • Has the organization provided a copy of this Form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing the form?
  • Describe in Schedule O the process, if any, used by the organization to review this Form 990.

In asking these questions, the IRS is indicating that distribution of the form prior to filing is optimal. (This is also one of those gold standard governing practices that is beneficial when using the form as a public relations material.) There are no federal tax laws requiring Form 990 review, and Form 990 does not mandate a written policy. However, a written policy is incredibly useful in clarifying a specific process for distribution and procedure review by the governing body (such as the board of directors). It also formalizes a review process and acts as a reminder to nonprofit leaders to distribute accordingly.

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Public Disclosure

Found on Form 990: Part VI, Section C, Lines 18 – 20

Public charities exist to serve the public in some way or another, and some organizational documents must be made available to the public upon request. Other documents can be kept entirely internal. This policy should overview (1) what documents must the organization disclose, and (2) to what extent does it want to make other non-required documents and information available to the public.

Form 990 specifically asks the filing organization to report if certain documents are made available to the public, such as governing documents (like the bylaws), conflict of interest policy, and financial statements. Additionally, the form asks for the name, address, and phone number of the individual(s) who possesses the financial “books” and records of the organization.

Where Do I Start?

man writing on paper

The mission of Gordon Fischer Law Firm is to promote and maximize charitable giving in Iowa, and to that point I want to help every Iowa nonprofit be legally compliant.

The 10 policies part of this promotion will save you time, resources, and you can feel good about having a set of high quality policies to guide internal operations, present to the public (if appropriate), and fulfill form 990 requirements.

If you already have some (or all) of the above listed policies in place, seriously consider the last time they were updated. How has the organization changed since they were written? Have changes to state and federal laws impacted these policies at all? It may be high time for a new set of policies that fits your organization.

Interested? It’s always a good day to contact Gordon Fischer Law Firm via email or by phone (515-371-6077).