For a limited time only (June 15 to July 15, 2017), you can receive a standard estate plan (which consists of six “must-have” estate planning documents) for only $500 (five hundred dollars). You will be billed only at the conclusion of this process, when you are executing the documents. So, obviously, you won’t pay anything until you are completely satisfied with both the plan and your understanding of the plan.

What if you need or want, something more than the standard estate plan? Like, say, a revocable living trust? A standard estate plan, including a revocable living trust, will only cost you $1,000 (one thousand dollars). A revocable living trust accrues several benefits, including avoiding probate; saving costs, taxes, and fees; getting bequests to beneficiaries more quickly; and privacy.
I should note that either package comes with as many consultations (meetings, emails, and phone calls) with me as you reasonably feel we need to finish your estate plan. Again, you’re not sitting down to execute the documents, and so you’re not being billed (let alone paying anything!), until you are completely satisfied with both the process and the results of the process.

Why have an estate plan sale? Several reasons, actually.
To begin, the mission of my law firm is to promote and maximize charitable giving in Iowa. Straight up, the more estate planning Iowans do, the more charitable giving will occur.
Sure, not everyone who constructs an estate plan uses it to give to charities, but many do. Again – it’s simply a numbers game; the more estate planning, the more money flowing to worthwhile causes.
Also, 60% of Americans don’t have a will/estate planning. I want to help combat that statistic in Iowa. We can do better. Working together, we will do better.

Finally, everyone deserve access to a secure future and a legacy. For these reasons, I’m offering very special rates.
How much money are you saving? Quite a bit actually!
Speaking very generally, an estate plan from my Firm usually costs a single person about $700, and a family about $850. So, under this Estate Plan Sale, that’s a saving of about $200 for singletons to $350 for your family!

Also, speaking very generally, an estate plan including a revocable living trust, from my Firm, usually costs a single person about $1,300, and a family about $2,200. So, under this Estate Plan Sale, that’s a saving of about $300 for singletons and a whopping savings of $1,200 for your family!
Any Iowan is eligible. I am licensed to practice law in Iowa, and I have clients all over the state. In our modern age of emails, scanning, and cell phones, mere physical distance is not an issue.
I have clients from Burlington and Carroll to Sioux City and Urbandale. If you want to work with me, I want to work with you, and we can easily find ways to do so.
I write about my process at length, but it’s just five steps! Seriously, it’s not that painful, it truly isn’t. My clients report back to me that they have such relief and peace of mind when it’s completed.

Again, the special deal of $500 for a standard estate plan, and $1,000 for a standard estate plan plus a revocable living trust, will last only a limited time, June 15 to July 15, 2017. I’m already backlogged, so ACT NOW. Do not wait!
We all know, of all the seasons, summer goes by the fastest. Time can run out on you; don’t let that happen.
You can reach me most easily by email at gordon@gordonfischerlawfirm.com or call my cell, 515-371-6077. Don’t delay—write or call today.
A great place to start in on the process is with my Estate Planning Questionnaire.

The Estate Plan Sale merely relates to pricing and in no way creates an attorney-client relationship, nor any other kind of professional relationship. The Estate Plan Sale merely relates to pricing and does not create a contract or agreement of any kind.
GFLF, P.C. retains full and total discretion as to who it chooses to serve as clients and why. GFLF, P.C. retains the right to refuse service to anyone it chooses.
The Estate Plan Sale may not apply to individuals or families with a net worth of more than $1 million dollars. (You still need an estate plan, very much so, but it necessarily needs to be much more “complex.”).