I’ll never forget that night. Several months ago, a simple notification popped up on my Twitter account. Very rarely have five words caused me such joy: “Soledad O’Brien is following you.”
I was social media starstruck!
Sure, I know that this was likely the doing of a digital tool that auto-follows accounts that tweet about certain subjects. Or, maybe it was one of the social media interns who saw my retweets of @soledadobrien and decided to throw me a follow as a fan. Since she follows 447k accounts I have no doubt that the impressive individual herself didn’t actually follow me…but hey, we all like to feel liked and heard even if it’s a digital facade.
To understand why this was such a Big Hairy Audacious Deal (if you got the reference to Jim Collins’ concept, applause!), let me put this into context of my small, “local” Twitter account and Ms. O’Brien’s worldwide acclaim.
A Lonely 440+
My Twitter account has merely around 440 followers (at the time of publication). I put out great content, and it’s growing slowly and surely, but would love for more people to join the party. (In fact, if you’re reading this and haven’t followed @FischerGordon yet, check out all the great info I share on estate planning, nonprofit formation and compliance, and charitable giving on top of Iowa-centric news and all around interesting factoids.) But, let’s be honest I have a long way to go to catch up to the likes of the Big Ben clock that simply tweets “bong” in various quantities and the San Francisco fog, apparently named Karl.
In contrast to my lowly follower count, @soledadobrien has a well-deserved follower count at 809k and counting. For those few of you who are unaware, Soledad O’Brien is a world-famous broadcast journalist renowned for her roles as anchor and correspondent for MSNBC, CNN, HBO, and Al Jazeera America. She has been a tremendously well respected presence in broadcast news since 1991. She has covered so many huge stories I can’t possibly list them all. Countless times she’s been on “best of” lists and she’s won a Peabody Award and four Emmy Awards.
Newsworthy Nonpxrofit Policy Special Worthy of O’Brien’s Reporting
I would regularly check to see if Soledad O’Brien ever unfollowed me. Maybe the social media software algorithm wised up or the social media intern was tasked with clearing out the followings of accounts with sub-500 followers. But, my coolest follower (sorry everyone else!) is still there! This fact has, of course, let me to the inevitable conclusion: O’Brien must want me on her show! Why else would she follow an attorney who’s on a mission to maximize charitable giving in Iowa?
Why would she want me on her show at all? I’m biased, but I think the 10 for 990 nonprofit policy special (available through March 15) is certainly newsworthy! While not a political scoop, the 10 for 990 deal could benefit (Iowa) nonprofits working toward the betterment of socioeconomic issues and/or advocating for increased engagement in American democracy.
A journalist of O’Brien’s caliber would need some more details before she ever agreed to have me on as a guest. As such, the 10 for 990 offer provides nonprofits the ten policies discussed on the IRS’ Form 990 for the flat fee of only $990. (IRS Form 990 is the tax form nonprofits must complete once they’ve reached a certain monetary threshold. Just like individuals have to fill out a personal income tax form). The 10 policies asked about on the Form 990 include conflict of interest, document retention and destruction, whistleblower, compensation, fundraising, gift acceptance, financial policies and procedures, and investment.
Even if you’re not an award-winning journalist turned CEO, I would love to talk to you about this policy special. Because Form 990 is typically due in May, now is the perfect time to get ahead on compliance. Nonprofit executives, board members, and even engaged volunteers should contact me via email or phone (515-371-6077) to learn how this could fit in with your organization’s goals.
Gordon Fischerhttps://www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/GFLF-logo-300x141.pngGordon Fischer2018-02-28 11:32:402020-05-18 11:28:5510 For 990: Pitch to my Most Impressive Twitter Follower
In the age of the Internet there’s a free template, instructional, and how-to video for just about everything under the sun. And, for many things, from great recipes, to exercise guides, to Ikea furniture blueprints (why is there always one extra piece left over?!), this is fantastic. Sometimes it’s even hard to remember what life was like before we had access to information on just about everything at our fingertips.
There are still some things that, despite being free and appearing easy to do, are better done by a trained professional. For instance, let’s say I wanted to redo my bathroom, but have extremely limited working knowledge of how to reconfigure the plumbing to make sure it’s functional within the new design of the room. I could certainly click through step-by-step instructions on Reddit or watch a smattering of YouTube videos, but I’m still not an expert. If I tried to DIY the plumbing in my new bathroom, it would certainly take me much longer than an expert and without a doubt the finished product would be of a lesser quality. There’s also a good chance I would invest all this time and energy in the project, and still mess up, and end up having to hire a professional contractor to fix my mistakes.
Some things are just better left to the professionals. In regard to your nonprofit’s policies and procedures, this is where an experienced attorney comes in.
As a nonprofit leader, you’ve specialized in a multitude of different aspects while working toward achieving your organization’s mission. But, when it comes the super important policies and procedures, you need to have in place for top of the line legal compliance, it’s best to outsource to a legal expert. You could try the DIY way by finding free templates online and trying to muddle through the process. But, if legal issues arise and your policies are called into question you’re then going to have to call in the specialized professional to help keep the bathroom from flooding (metaphorical reference to my hypothetical plumbing mishap). If written poorly, policies could provide little to no guidance because they were too vague, not applicable to your organization, or contrasting with federal/state/local laws. An attorney can help you put all the pieces of the compliance puzzle together into an image that’s valuable.
Avoid the time, energy, and monetary costs of DIY, and opt for quality policies and procedures that are written specifically for your nonprofit by an experienced attorney in nonprofit law. Need a little more information to convince the board, the boss, or yourself? Here are three practical reasons why you should work with a professional to draft your tax-exempt organization’s policies and procedures:
Save Time
Time is a common thread amongst the majority of nonprofits I’m lucky enough to work with. There’s never enough time. When it comes to initiatives like writing a full set of beneficial policies and procedures unique to your organization, it costs time! And that is time away from all the other change-making that could be happening. Without a doubt, most nonprofits are also short on administrative help. When you hire an attorney well-versed in nonprofit law it’s a double win when it comes to time—your time isn’t wasted or misused and you get to reap the benefits of a subject matter expert’s time.
My 10 for 990 special for nonprofits includes 10 policies asked about of Form 990 for a flat rate of $990. Sure, it’s an investment. But, less than $1,000 is worthwhile in exchange for policies that limit potential abuse, protect against vulnerabilities, and prevent activities that go beyond permitted nonprofit activities. Adopting internal and external policies can only help in the case that your tax-exempt organization is ever audited by the IRS.
Receive Dedicated Attention & Advice
Just like I tell my estate planning clients, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the important documents that will be the blueprint to your legacy. The same goes for nonprofits.
Each nonprofit is unique and accordingly your internal and external guidelines will want to reflect this. For instance, a non-operating private foundation will likely need a different set of documents than a public charity. With a dedicated nonprofit attorney working on your policies, you get unparalleled and individualized service. This type of dedicated service and attention to detail will further save you from wasting resources on forms and other legal documents that aren’t useful or beneficial to the organization. Ultimately, working with a nonprofit attorney will mean counsel that sets your nonprofit up for success, unhampered by compliance issues.
The benefits of investing in a qualified attorney to craft your important policies are numerous; the right attorney will put your organization’s best interests first, saving you resources in the long run.
Given my experience, mission, and passion for helping Iowa nonprofits, I would love the chance to fill the role of topical expert for your organization. Learn more about the 10 For 990 policy special and don’t hesitate to contact me via email (Gordon@gordonfischerlawfirm.com) or on my cell (515-371-6077).
https://www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/rawpixel-com-558596-unsplash.jpg39835515Gordon Fischerhttps://www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/GFLF-logo-300x141.pngGordon Fischer2018-02-27 15:38:052020-05-18 11:28:55Reasons to Enlist an Attorney to Write your Nonprofit's Policies
I write a lot about individuals conducting charitable giving and the various options to do so while living as well as through estate planning means. But, what if you own or run a business and want to make charitable gifts on behalf of the business?
Donations on behalf of a business can be an excellent way to build goodwill, trust, and foster positive public relations. Plus, donations of assets like cash and property can also mean substantial benefits when it comes to filing business taxes.
The good news from the IRS (how often do you hear that?!) is that any business can make contributions to qualified charitable organizations. The caveat is that there are limits on these deductions, and the contributions may only be deductible to the individual owners, not to the business. How the business is categorized is what determines how charitable contributions are deducted and which tax return they are deducted from.
Corporations vs. Sole Proprietorship
Some types of businesses, such as corporations, can deduct allowable charitable contributions directly on their business tax returns. This makes more sense when you consider that the corporation is a separate entity from the owners.
A corporation which files its own tax return can deduct charitable gifts up to 10 percent of its taxable income and is entitled to carryover unused deductions for up to five years.
For a corporation, taxable income for this purpose is calculated without the following:
If you are a sole proprietor, charitable donations can also be tax-savvy, but there are differences from filing as a corporation. Your business taxes are filed on Schedule C of your personal Form 1040 and because of this set-up, your business cannot make separate charitable contributions because the only way individuals can deduct these contributions is on Schedule A. Additionally, you must itemize deductionsto take them.
This advice also rings true for a single-member limited liability company (LLC), since this category of business files taxes as a sole proprietor.
What qualifies as a donation?
The IRS specifies that both cash and non-cash contributions from businesses are deductible, as well as expenses related to volunteering.
Cash is self-explanatory, and non-cash donations could be property, goods, and inventory. In terms of volunteering, the time and lost wages are not deductible, but volunteer-related expenses for a qualifying charity event or service project are. This includes the travel costs (like gas and mileage) along with any donated supplies.
What does not qualify as a donation?
Say you run Corporation Smile and your employees are given time off to volunteer with the causes of their choice. Could this time volunteered be considered a charitable contribution? In short, no. As stated above, the value of time volunteered on the ground or, say, on a nonprofit’s board of directors does not qualify. Additionally, many times business-based donations are committed in exchange for something of value. Be it a product or service, the tax-deductible amount is the donation’s value minus the value of the good/service exchanged. (Read my primer on the term “quid pro quo” for more on this concept.)
Qualifying Organizations
In order to claim the charitable donation deduction, the donee organization must be recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This important distinction is what enables these organizations to receive tax-exempt donations. Beware that gifts and donations to political candidates, parties, or associated organizations are not recognized by the IRS as tax-deductible. The same goes for donations to a specific individual. Be smart and practice due diligence in determining which organizations are qualified by asking to see a charity’s IRS determination letter and/or search for qualifying organizations by using the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Select Check tool.
Record Keeping for the Win
If you own or manage a business you know all too well how important bookkeeping is, especially come tax time. Record retention for charitable contributions is no different. What documentation required depends upon the amount and type of contributions. (Although, my general advice is to keep more paperwork than needed in regard to contributions.)
Donations valued at less than $250– Retain a receipt issued by the accepting charity. If for some reason you don’t have this, a credit card, bank record, or canceled check will suffice.
Donations valued at more than $250– Obtain an official gift receipt from the accepting nonprofit.
Non-cash donations valued at $250 or less– Taxpayers must receive and keep a letter or other type of written communication in the form of a gift receipt from the charitable organization showing: organization’s name, date and location of the contribution, and a reasonably detailed description of the property donated. The gift receipt for a non-cash donation may or may not include a cash value. If not, the donor will need to see that it is appropriately assessed for fair value.
Non-cash donations valued at greater than $250– The gift acknowledgment from the nonprofit must meet the same requirements for contributions of property valued at less than $250, but must also meet several additional requirements. The written acknowledgment must state whether the qualified organization gave any goods or services in exchange for contribution, and include a description and good-faith estimate of the value of any goods and services given.
So, to summarize, the following details should be retained:
Name and address of the donee organization;
Date and location of the contribution;
Reasonably detailed description of the property;
Fair market value (FMV) of the property at the time of the contribution and FMV was determined (if the property was appraised, the taxpayer should keep a copy of the signed appraisal);
Cost or basis of the property, if the taxpayer must reduce its FMV by appreciation—these records should include the amount of the reduction and how it was calculated;
Total amount the taxpayer is claiming as a deduction for the tax year as a result of the contribution; and
Terms and/or conditions attached to the contribution.
Non-cash donation valued at more than $500 and less than $5,000– Taxpayers must fill out IRS Form 8283 when filing taxes. Taxpayers must have the acknowledgment and written records described above, as well as additional information needed including: how the property was acquired (purchase, gift, inheritance, etc.) and the date the property was obtained by the taxpayer.
Non-cash donation worth more than $5,000– In addition to the requirements listed for the smaller donation amounts, you also must obtain a qualified appraisal of the goods and have the qualified appraiser sign Section B of Form 8283. (Qualified appraisal and qualified appraiser are both vague terms with specific meanings to the IRS. Read more about the specifics of these definitions here.)
The charitable deduction for business can result in significant tax savings, just be certain you do so in the right way to maximize the savings. The nuances of corporate/business giving can be complicated and confusing and every business has a unique situation, so be sure to contact the appropriate professional advisors for specific advice. Questions? Comments? I’d love to discuss further; contact me via email or by phone (515-371-6077).
https://www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/g-crescoli-365898-unsplash.jpg26674000Gordon Fischerhttps://www.gordonfischerlawfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/GFLF-logo-300x141.pngGordon Fischer2018-02-26 16:49:312020-05-18 11:28:55Taking Care of Business: Charitable Giving, Taxes, and Substantiation
10 For 990: Pitch to my Most Impressive Twitter Follower
From Gordon's Desk..., NonprofitsI’ll never forget that night. Several months ago, a simple notification popped up on my Twitter account. Very rarely have five words caused me such joy: “Soledad O’Brien is following you.”
I was social media starstruck!
Sure, I know that this was likely the doing of a digital tool that auto-follows accounts that tweet about certain subjects. Or, maybe it was one of the social media interns who saw my retweets of @soledadobrien and decided to throw me a follow as a fan. Since she follows 447k accounts I have no doubt that the impressive individual herself didn’t actually follow me…but hey, we all like to feel liked and heard even if it’s a digital facade.
To understand why this was such a Big Hairy Audacious Deal (if you got the reference to Jim Collins’ concept, applause!), let me put this into context of my small, “local” Twitter account and Ms. O’Brien’s worldwide acclaim.
A Lonely 440+
My Twitter account has merely around 440 followers (at the time of publication). I put out great content, and it’s growing slowly and surely, but would love for more people to join the party. (In fact, if you’re reading this and haven’t followed @FischerGordon yet, check out all the great info I share on estate planning, nonprofit formation and compliance, and charitable giving on top of Iowa-centric news and all around interesting factoids.) But, let’s be honest I have a long way to go to catch up to the likes of the Big Ben clock that simply tweets “bong” in various quantities and the San Francisco fog, apparently named Karl.
Tweets by FischerGordon
Soledad is Superb
In contrast to my lowly follower count, @soledadobrien has a well-deserved follower count at 809k and counting. For those few of you who are unaware, Soledad O’Brien is a world-famous broadcast journalist renowned for her roles as anchor and correspondent for MSNBC, CNN, HBO, and Al Jazeera America. She has been a tremendously well respected presence in broadcast news since 1991. She has covered so many huge stories I can’t possibly list them all. Countless times she’s been on “best of” lists and she’s won a Peabody Award and four Emmy Awards.
Presently, Ms. O’Brien is the host of Matter of Fact with Soledad O’Brien, a show focusing on politics and socioeconomic concerns produced by her very own multi-platform Starfish Media Group.
Tweets by soledadobrien
Newsworthy Nonpxrofit Policy Special Worthy of O’Brien’s Reporting
I would regularly check to see if Soledad O’Brien ever unfollowed me. Maybe the social media software algorithm wised up or the social media intern was tasked with clearing out the followings of accounts with sub-500 followers. But, my coolest follower (sorry everyone else!) is still there! This fact has, of course, let me to the inevitable conclusion: O’Brien must want me on her show! Why else would she follow an attorney who’s on a mission to maximize charitable giving in Iowa?
Why would she want me on her show at all? I’m biased, but I think the 10 for 990 nonprofit policy special (available through March 15) is certainly newsworthy! While not a political scoop, the 10 for 990 deal could benefit (Iowa) nonprofits working toward the betterment of socioeconomic issues and/or advocating for increased engagement in American democracy.
A journalist of O’Brien’s caliber would need some more details before she ever agreed to have me on as a guest. As such, the 10 for 990 offer provides nonprofits the ten policies discussed on the IRS’ Form 990 for the flat fee of only $990. (IRS Form 990 is the tax form nonprofits must complete once they’ve reached a certain monetary threshold. Just like individuals have to fill out a personal income tax form). The 10 policies asked about on the Form 990 include conflict of interest, document retention and destruction, whistleblower, compensation, fundraising, gift acceptance, financial policies and procedures, and investment.
If Ms. O’Brien were to ever interview me on this truly fantastic deal, I would share the benefits of having a qualified attorney craft these important policies and explain the collective responsibilities of nonprofit boards.
Even if you’re not an award-winning journalist turned CEO, I would love to talk to you about this policy special. Because Form 990 is typically due in May, now is the perfect time to get ahead on compliance. Nonprofit executives, board members, and even engaged volunteers should contact me via email or phone (515-371-6077) to learn how this could fit in with your organization’s goals.
Reasons to Enlist an Attorney to Write your Nonprofit’s Policies
NonprofitsIn the age of the Internet there’s a free template, instructional, and how-to video for just about everything under the sun. And, for many things, from great recipes, to exercise guides, to Ikea furniture blueprints (why is there always one extra piece left over?!), this is fantastic. Sometimes it’s even hard to remember what life was like before we had access to information on just about everything at our fingertips.
There are still some things that, despite being free and appearing easy to do, are better done by a trained professional. For instance, let’s say I wanted to redo my bathroom, but have extremely limited working knowledge of how to reconfigure the plumbing to make sure it’s functional within the new design of the room. I could certainly click through step-by-step instructions on Reddit or watch a smattering of YouTube videos, but I’m still not an expert. If I tried to DIY the plumbing in my new bathroom, it would certainly take me much longer than an expert and without a doubt the finished product would be of a lesser quality. There’s also a good chance I would invest all this time and energy in the project, and still mess up, and end up having to hire a professional contractor to fix my mistakes.
Some things are just better left to the professionals. In regard to your nonprofit’s policies and procedures, this is where an experienced attorney comes in.
As a nonprofit leader, you’ve specialized in a multitude of different aspects while working toward achieving your organization’s mission. But, when it comes the super important policies and procedures, you need to have in place for top of the line legal compliance, it’s best to outsource to a legal expert. You could try the DIY way by finding free templates online and trying to muddle through the process. But, if legal issues arise and your policies are called into question you’re then going to have to call in the specialized professional to help keep the bathroom from flooding (metaphorical reference to my hypothetical plumbing mishap). If written poorly, policies could provide little to no guidance because they were too vague, not applicable to your organization, or contrasting with federal/state/local laws. An attorney can help you put all the pieces of the compliance puzzle together into an image that’s valuable.
Avoid the time, energy, and monetary costs of DIY, and opt for quality policies and procedures that are written specifically for your nonprofit by an experienced attorney in nonprofit law. Need a little more information to convince the board, the boss, or yourself? Here are three practical reasons why you should work with a professional to draft your tax-exempt organization’s policies and procedures:
Save Time
Time is a common thread amongst the majority of nonprofits I’m lucky enough to work with. There’s never enough time. When it comes to initiatives like writing a full set of beneficial policies and procedures unique to your organization, it costs time! And that is time away from all the other change-making that could be happening. Without a doubt, most nonprofits are also short on administrative help. When you hire an attorney well-versed in nonprofit law it’s a double win when it comes to time—your time isn’t wasted or misused and you get to reap the benefits of a subject matter expert’s time.
Save Money
My 10 for 990 special for nonprofits includes 10 policies asked about of Form 990 for a flat rate of $990. Sure, it’s an investment. But, less than $1,000 is worthwhile in exchange for policies that limit potential abuse, protect against vulnerabilities, and prevent activities that go beyond permitted nonprofit activities. Adopting internal and external policies can only help in the case that your tax-exempt organization is ever audited by the IRS.
Receive Dedicated Attention & Advice
Just like I tell my estate planning clients, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to the important documents that will be the blueprint to your legacy. The same goes for nonprofits.
Each nonprofit is unique and accordingly your internal and external guidelines will want to reflect this. For instance, a non-operating private foundation will likely need a different set of documents than a public charity. With a dedicated nonprofit attorney working on your policies, you get unparalleled and individualized service. This type of dedicated service and attention to detail will further save you from wasting resources on forms and other legal documents that aren’t useful or beneficial to the organization. Ultimately, working with a nonprofit attorney will mean counsel that sets your nonprofit up for success, unhampered by compliance issues.
The benefits of investing in a qualified attorney to craft your important policies are numerous; the right attorney will put your organization’s best interests first, saving you resources in the long run.
Given my experience, mission, and passion for helping Iowa nonprofits, I would love the chance to fill the role of topical expert for your organization. Learn more about the 10 For 990 policy special and don’t hesitate to contact me via email (Gordon@gordonfischerlawfirm.com) or on my cell (515-371-6077).
Taking Care of Business: Charitable Giving, Taxes, and Substantiation
Charitable Giving, Taxes & FinanceI write a lot about individuals conducting charitable giving and the various options to do so while living as well as through estate planning means. But, what if you own or run a business and want to make charitable gifts on behalf of the business?
Donations on behalf of a business can be an excellent way to build goodwill, trust, and foster positive public relations. Plus, donations of assets like cash and property can also mean substantial benefits when it comes to filing business taxes.
The good news from the IRS (how often do you hear that?!) is that any business can make contributions to qualified charitable organizations. The caveat is that there are limits on these deductions, and the contributions may only be deductible to the individual owners, not to the business. How the business is categorized is what determines how charitable contributions are deducted and which tax return they are deducted from.
Corporations vs. Sole Proprietorship
Some types of businesses, such as corporations, can deduct allowable charitable contributions directly on their business tax returns. This makes more sense when you consider that the corporation is a separate entity from the owners.
A corporation which files its own tax return can deduct charitable gifts up to 10 percent of its taxable income and is entitled to carryover unused deductions for up to five years.
For a corporation, taxable income for this purpose is calculated without the following:
Sole Proprietorship
If you are a sole proprietor, charitable donations can also be tax-savvy, but there are differences from filing as a corporation. Your business taxes are filed on Schedule C of your personal Form 1040 and because of this set-up, your business cannot make separate charitable contributions because the only way individuals can deduct these contributions is on Schedule A. Additionally, you must itemize deductions to take them.
This advice also rings true for a single-member limited liability company (LLC), since this category of business files taxes as a sole proprietor.
What qualifies as a donation?
The IRS specifies that both cash and non-cash contributions from businesses are deductible, as well as expenses related to volunteering.
Cash is self-explanatory, and non-cash donations could be property, goods, and inventory. In terms of volunteering, the time and lost wages are not deductible, but volunteer-related expenses for a qualifying charity event or service project are. This includes the travel costs (like gas and mileage) along with any donated supplies.
What does not qualify as a donation?
Say you run Corporation Smile and your employees are given time off to volunteer with the causes of their choice. Could this time volunteered be considered a charitable contribution? In short, no. As stated above, the value of time volunteered on the ground or, say, on a nonprofit’s board of directors does not qualify. Additionally, many times business-based donations are committed in exchange for something of value. Be it a product or service, the tax-deductible amount is the donation’s value minus the value of the good/service exchanged. (Read my primer on the term “quid pro quo” for more on this concept.)
Qualifying Organizations
In order to claim the charitable donation deduction, the donee organization must be recognized by the IRS as 501(c)(3) nonprofit. This important distinction is what enables these organizations to receive tax-exempt donations. Beware that gifts and donations to political candidates, parties, or associated organizations are not recognized by the IRS as tax-deductible. The same goes for donations to a specific individual. Be smart and practice due diligence in determining which organizations are qualified by asking to see a charity’s IRS determination letter and/or search for qualifying organizations by using the IRS’ Exempt Organizations Select Check tool.
Record Keeping for the Win
If you own or manage a business you know all too well how important bookkeeping is, especially come tax time. Record retention for charitable contributions is no different. What documentation required depends upon the amount and type of contributions. (Although, my general advice is to keep more paperwork than needed in regard to contributions.)
So, to summarize, the following details should be retained:
The charitable deduction for business can result in significant tax savings, just be certain you do so in the right way to maximize the savings. The nuances of corporate/business giving can be complicated and confusing and every business has a unique situation, so be sure to contact the appropriate professional advisors for specific advice. Questions? Comments? I’d love to discuss further; contact me via email or by phone (515-371-6077).