Recently my social media feeds were alight with friends and family member’s grinning kiddos holding signs announcing their first day of a new grade. It made me nostalgic! While I wouldn’t want to repeat law school all over again, I do think it’s never too late to head back to the classroom—proverbial or real. So, the GFLF is heading back to school with lessons in English (like legal words/phrases of the day), reading (GoFisch book club) history, finance and the like. Today’s lesson on planned giving crosses over between business and economics, and it’s super important for donors of all gift amounts and nonprofit pros alike.
What is planned giving?
Planned giving is the process of charitably donating planned gifts. A planned gift is a charitable donation that is arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. A planned gift is often, but not always, donated through a will or trust. (I would say this is true 80-90% of the time; put another way, planned gifts are bequests 80-90% of the time). As such, planned gifts are very often granted after the donor’s death.
Besides charitable gifts made through wills and trusts after death, other planned gifts include charitable gift annuities; charitable remainder trusts (along with the entire alphabet soup of CRATS; CRUTS; NIMCRUTS; FLIPCRUTS; etc.); charitable lead trusts, and remainder interest/life estates in real property. All these gifting tools/techniques/vehicles I’ve discussed previously, sometimes numerous times.
What is a Nonprofit?
You give $20 to a person you meet on the street who lost his bus ticket home.
At your local gas station, there is a collection jar for a local child with leukemia. You donate your change.
You leave money in your will for your niece Jane, hoping she uses it to continue her collegiate studies in engineering.
You have a neighbor who suffers from dementia. You and your friends decide to have an informal walk to raise awareness about the disease and raise money for your neighbor’s health care needs.
While noble, these are not examples of “charitable giving,” as we use the term here. In this context, we are talking about charitable giving to an organization formed under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Service Tax Code. A 501c3 agency can be known by several terms in general usage, including “nonprofit organization” and “public charity.” For simplicity’s sake, we’ll use the term nonprofit throughout.
Nonprofits cover an extremely broad swath of types of organizations, including schools, churches, hospitals, museums, social services organizations, animal welfare groups, and community foundations.
Nonprofits Must Embrace Planned Gifts
Sometimes nonprofits are overwhelmed at the thought of expansive planned giving because of the number and complexity of some of the planned giving vehicles. How does this match up when you want to donate a less obvious gift than cash, such as stocks and bonds or grain? Nonprofits need to expand their ability to accept gifts of many varieties for at least three reasons:
Craft Beer Factor
The first reason I call the “craft beer factor.” (Bear with me here for a moment). I’m old enough to remember when there were just two kinds of beer. Don’t believe me? You should, as it was immortalized in one of the most famous advertising campaigns of all time–“tastes great, less filling!” This ad campaign strongly implied there were really just two types of beers.
Then came the craft beer movement. I’m not sure whether craft beers were a response to consumers, or whether craft beers created a demand; presumably both. In any case, now a place like Toppling Goliath Brewing Company in Decorah, Iowa, has about thirty varieties of beers (this is based on an informal count from their website).
Now any retail establishment which sells beer must offer lots and lots of different kinds of beer. Any retail establishment which isn’t able to offer its customers wide variety risks irrelevance, or worse.
This is true not just of beer, but of everything. Another quick example– McDonald’s has around 145 menu items, that’s up from about 85 items in 2007. Also, McDonald’s now offers breakfast items not just in the morning, but all day-long.
Consumers want what they want, when they want, how they want.
Donors expect and often demand the opportunity to use many different options to assist their favorite charities. No longer can nonprofits simply ask folks to pony up cash, or just accept credit cards. Donors want to be able to converse with their fave charity and discuss using their whole portfolio. Nonprofits need to be able to accept, and intelligently discuss, gifting of many different types of non-cash assets.
A nonprofit which doesn’t offer its supporters a wide variety of giving options risks irrelevance, or even worse fates! So, as a donor, if you’re interested in donating an asset that your favorite nonprofit doesn’t typically facilitate, connect them with an experienced nonprofit attorney to make the gift a reality.
Planned Gifts Consist Overwhelmingly of Bequests
Second, planned giving is still mostly about wills and trusts. As already stated, I estimate 80-90% of planned gifts are bequests. Simple! Nonprofits should put substantial efforts to encouraging increased, larger testamentary bequests. Donors who already have an estate plan, but didn’t realize they could designate their favorite organizations as beneficiaries should contact an estate planning attorney.
Be it strategies for a monthly giving program or facilitating complex planned giving vehicles like NIMCRUTs, the opportunities for continuous learning about different planned giving technique are seemingly endless! And, there are so many different options, that all donors should feel great about supporting their fave causes with tax-wise gifts that work best for them. I strive to offer free information that breaks down different aspects of planned giving in human terms, as well as promoting community opportunities/events for nonprofit professionals.
Still need help understanding planned giving or any particular tool or technique? Want assistance coordinating a complex gift? Reach out to me anytime. I offer a free one-hour consultation to anyone and everyone. You can contact at my email ( or on my cell (515-371-6077). I’d truly love to hear from you. Fischer Fischer2019-09-08 20:04:202020-05-18 11:28:45Let's Head Back to School! First Lesson is on Planned Giving
Happy National Tailgating Day! As we fire up the grill and hang up the pendants in prep for some college football, I figured today was the perfect day to explain where college sports ticket rights fall under the tax code. Why? Because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed in 2017, made some major changes to the deduction for charitable contributions.
A Bit of History
Before the tax code overhaul, donations made to nonprofit universities and colleges in exchange for the direct or indirect right to purchase seats at athletic events were 80% deductible as a charitable contribution on itemized taxes. Since the late 1980s (under the Technical Corrections Act of 1988), colleges used this tax code provision to incentivize donors’ gifts and modeled the practice after seat licenses in pro sports. However, this was a costly provision; this tax break was apparently costing the U.S. Treasury at least $100 million a year (at the time of estimation in 2012), and possibly as much as $1 billion, according to Bloomberg.
In the post-TCJA world, this deduction is now repealed. So, what do you need to know? If you make a donation to a university in exchange for a receipt that gives you the ability to purchase certain seats (think the 50-yard line at Kinnick Stadium!), this charitable gift is no longer tax-deductible at the 80% rate on your federal income taxes. Of course, you can still elect to make valuable, qualified charitable donations to your alma mater or another favorite higher education institution, but college sports fans can’t claim a tax break specifically made to secure college sports season tickets.
However, Iowa sports fans cans still cheer, because Iowa did not parallel the federal repeal. Individuals can still deduct 80% of a qualifying contribution for those Cyclone, Panther, Bulldog, or Hawkeye seats to the extent it does not exceed the individual’s applicable adjusted gross incomededuction limitation on state income taxes. Keep in mind, of course, you will need to itemize to claim the deduction.
Still have questions about how to maximize contributions to your favorite college or university (for athletic seats or otherwise)? We can work out a plan so that you can meet your charitable giving goals in a tax-wise manner. I offer a free, no-obligation consult, so don’t hesitate to contact me. Fischer Fischer2019-09-07 18:59:372020-05-18 11:28:46Tax Talk: Deductibility of College Sports Ticket Rights
Before I explain the concept of “heirs at law,” you might be thinking, why even bring this up? Of what relevance is this “Ye Olde Sounding Phraise” in today’s modern world?
It’s important for me to share the concept of “heirs at law” with you, dear GoFisch blog Reader, for three reasons.
It helps explain why I, and other estate planners, ask so many darn questions. We need lots of info.
The concept of “heirs at law” shows that you need to be open and honest and forthcoming with me, or any estate planner. Without complete transparency and truth, the estate plan runs the risk of being useless (the idea of “garbage in, garbage out” applies here).
“Heirs at law” is yet another reason that a DIY will, or using an online service to produce your will, is just a terrible idea. You need an estate plan crafted by a trusted professional, unique to your special needs. Every family is different, so there can be no “one-size-fits-all” estate plan, and there are many moving parts to a comprehensive estate plan.
With that established, what does the term “heirs at law” actually mean?
Heirs at law are those folks who would inherit your property in the event you died without a will, which is called intestacy.1 It is critically important to determine who the heirs at law are, even for people not subject to the laws of intestacy (i.e., folks who have a will) for two big reasons.
Heirs at law must be notified of the probate process.
As I already stated, it’s a wise idea to work with your estate planner and provide all the information requested. As a practical matter, the extent of information you’ll need to provide your estate planner regarding heirs at law depends of the nature of your family and relatives. For instance, in the case of two people, married only to each other, with children only from that one marriage—then the spouse and children (and perhaps grandchildren) will be the obvious heirs at law.
In another example, a family could also constitute a remarriage with each spouse having children from previous relationships. In this case, the stepchildren would need to be adopted by the applicable stepparent to be considered an heir at law.
In other situations, the client relatives may be much more distant, requiring more fact investigation. For example, take the case of a client who is unmarried and without children. In such a situation, the estate planner will need to pay close attention to identifying other relatives.
Of course, with an estate plan you can bequeath your estate to whomever you choose. You don’t have to give anything to any of your obvious or non-obvious heirs at law or any other relative for that matter. (In colloquial terms we could call this “stiffing your relatives.”) Although with that said, you cannot choose to disinherit a spouse.
This point reiterates why the estate planner should know and have updated contact information of who are the heirs at law. Again, it’s required that heirs at law be notified of probate process and these heirs (unlike a non-relative work colleague or neighbor) also have the legal standing to contest the will in court.
Another reason the estate planner must have knowledge of the heirs at law is to ward off fraudulent claims if need be. This reason is particularly important if the heirs at law are distant relatives. (An unfortunate real-world example of this involves Prince and the complicated intestate process following the singer’s passing without an estate plan.)
Bottom line: heirs at law are important when it comes to the distribution of your estate (with or without a will). Of course, dying intestate is NOT optimal and you DO need a will for a number of important reasons. I’d love to discuss the topic over the phone (515-371-6077) or via email. Don’t hesitate to contact me at any time!
[1] Bonus word! If an Iowan dies without a valid will, they die “intestate” and the laws of “intestate” succession are used to determine who will inherit the estate. Fischer Fischer2019-09-03 17:48:132020-05-18 11:28:46Legal Phrase of the Day: “Heirs at Law”
Let’s Head Back to School! First Lesson is on Planned Giving
Charitable Giving, NonprofitsRecently my social media feeds were alight with friends and family member’s grinning kiddos holding signs announcing their first day of a new grade. It made me nostalgic! While I wouldn’t want to repeat law school all over again, I do think it’s never too late to head back to the classroom—proverbial or real. So, the GFLF is heading back to school with lessons in English (like legal words/phrases of the day), reading (GoFisch book club) history, finance and the like. Today’s lesson on planned giving crosses over between business and economics, and it’s super important for donors of all gift amounts and nonprofit pros alike.
What is planned giving?
Planned giving is the process of charitably donating planned gifts. A planned gift is a charitable donation that is arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. A planned gift is often, but not always, donated through a will or trust. (I would say this is true 80-90% of the time; put another way, planned gifts are bequests 80-90% of the time). As such, planned gifts are very often granted after the donor’s death.
Besides charitable gifts made through wills and trusts after death, other planned gifts include charitable gift annuities; charitable remainder trusts (along with the entire alphabet soup of CRATS; CRUTS; NIMCRUTS; FLIPCRUTS; etc.); charitable lead trusts, and remainder interest/life estates in real property. All these gifting tools/techniques/vehicles I’ve discussed previously, sometimes numerous times.
What is a Nonprofit?
While noble, these are not examples of “charitable giving,” as we use the term here. In this context, we are talking about charitable giving to an organization formed under 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Service Tax Code. A 501c3 agency can be known by several terms in general usage, including “nonprofit organization” and “public charity.” For simplicity’s sake, we’ll use the term nonprofit throughout.
Nonprofits cover an extremely broad swath of types of organizations, including schools, churches, hospitals, museums, social services organizations, animal welfare groups, and community foundations.
Nonprofits Must Embrace Planned Gifts
Sometimes nonprofits are overwhelmed at the thought of expansive planned giving because of the number and complexity of some of the planned giving vehicles. How does this match up when you want to donate a less obvious gift than cash, such as stocks and bonds or grain? Nonprofits need to expand their ability to accept gifts of many varieties for at least three reasons:
Craft Beer Factor
The first reason I call the “craft beer factor.” (Bear with me here for a moment). I’m old enough to remember when there were just two kinds of beer. Don’t believe me? You should, as it was immortalized in one of the most famous advertising campaigns of all time–“tastes great, less filling!” This ad campaign strongly implied there were really just two types of beers.
Then came the craft beer movement. I’m not sure whether craft beers were a response to consumers, or whether craft beers created a demand; presumably both. In any case, now a place like Toppling Goliath Brewing Company in Decorah, Iowa, has about thirty varieties of beers (this is based on an informal count from their website).
Now any retail establishment which sells beer must offer lots and lots of different kinds of beer. Any retail establishment which isn’t able to offer its customers wide variety risks irrelevance, or worse.
This is true not just of beer, but of everything. Another quick example– McDonald’s has around 145 menu items, that’s up from about 85 items in 2007. Also, McDonald’s now offers breakfast items not just in the morning, but all day-long.
Consumers want what they want, when they want, how they want.
Donors expect and often demand the opportunity to use many different options to assist their favorite charities. No longer can nonprofits simply ask folks to pony up cash, or just accept credit cards. Donors want to be able to converse with their fave charity and discuss using their whole portfolio. Nonprofits need to be able to accept, and intelligently discuss, gifting of many different types of non-cash assets.
A nonprofit which doesn’t offer its supporters a wide variety of giving options risks irrelevance, or even worse fates! So, as a donor, if you’re interested in donating an asset that your favorite nonprofit doesn’t typically facilitate, connect them with an experienced nonprofit attorney to make the gift a reality.
Planned Gifts Consist Overwhelmingly of Bequests
Second, planned giving is still mostly about wills and trusts. As already stated, I estimate 80-90% of planned gifts are bequests. Simple! Nonprofits should put substantial efforts to encouraging increased, larger testamentary bequests. Donors who already have an estate plan, but didn’t realize they could designate their favorite organizations as beneficiaries should contact an estate planning attorney.
Everyone can Understand Planned Giving!
Be it strategies for a monthly giving program or facilitating complex planned giving vehicles like NIMCRUTs, the opportunities for continuous learning about different planned giving technique are seemingly endless! And, there are so many different options, that all donors should feel great about supporting their fave causes with tax-wise gifts that work best for them. I strive to offer free information that breaks down different aspects of planned giving in human terms, as well as promoting community opportunities/events for nonprofit professionals.
Still need help understanding planned giving or any particular tool or technique? Want assistance coordinating a complex gift? Reach out to me anytime. I offer a free one-hour consultation to anyone and everyone. You can contact at my email ( or on my cell (515-371-6077). I’d truly love to hear from you.
Tax Talk: Deductibility of College Sports Ticket Rights
Taxes & FinanceHappy National Tailgating Day! As we fire up the grill and hang up the pendants in prep for some college football, I figured today was the perfect day to explain where college sports ticket rights fall under the tax code. Why? Because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), passed in 2017, made some major changes to the deduction for charitable contributions.
A Bit of History
Before the tax code overhaul, donations made to nonprofit universities and colleges in exchange for the direct or indirect right to purchase seats at athletic events were 80% deductible as a charitable contribution on itemized taxes. Since the late 1980s (under the Technical Corrections Act of 1988), colleges used this tax code provision to incentivize donors’ gifts and modeled the practice after seat licenses in pro sports. However, this was a costly provision; this tax break was apparently costing the U.S. Treasury at least $100 million a year (at the time of estimation in 2012), and possibly as much as $1 billion, according to Bloomberg.
Federal Tax Change: Deduction Repealed
In the post-TCJA world, this deduction is now repealed. So, what do you need to know? If you make a donation to a university in exchange for a receipt that gives you the ability to purchase certain seats (think the 50-yard line at Kinnick Stadium!), this charitable gift is no longer tax-deductible at the 80% rate on your federal income taxes. Of course, you can still elect to make valuable, qualified charitable donations to your alma mater or another favorite higher education institution, but college sports fans can’t claim a tax break specifically made to secure college sports season tickets.
State of Iowa Taxes: Deduction Remains
However, Iowa sports fans cans still cheer, because Iowa did not parallel the federal repeal. Individuals can still deduct 80% of a qualifying contribution for those Cyclone, Panther, Bulldog, or Hawkeye seats to the extent it does not exceed the individual’s applicable adjusted gross income deduction limitation on state income taxes. Keep in mind, of course, you will need to itemize to claim the deduction.
Still have questions about how to maximize contributions to your favorite college or university (for athletic seats or otherwise)? We can work out a plan so that you can meet your charitable giving goals in a tax-wise manner. I offer a free, no-obligation consult, so don’t hesitate to contact me.
Legal Phrase of the Day: “Heirs at Law”
Estates & Estate Planning, Legal Word of the Day, Wills, Wills, Trusts & EstatesBefore I explain the concept of “heirs at law,” you might be thinking, why even bring this up? Of what relevance is this “Ye Olde Sounding Phraise” in today’s modern world?
It’s important for me to share the concept of “heirs at law” with you, dear GoFisch blog Reader, for three reasons.
With that established, what does the term “heirs at law” actually mean?
Heirs at law are those folks who would inherit your property in the event you died without a will, which is called intestacy.1 It is critically important to determine who the heirs at law are, even for people not subject to the laws of intestacy (i.e., folks who have a will) for two big reasons.
All in the (sometimes complicated) family
As I already stated, it’s a wise idea to work with your estate planner and provide all the information requested. As a practical matter, the extent of information you’ll need to provide your estate planner regarding heirs at law depends of the nature of your family and relatives. For instance, in the case of two people, married only to each other, with children only from that one marriage—then the spouse and children (and perhaps grandchildren) will be the obvious heirs at law.
In another example, a family could also constitute a remarriage with each spouse having children from previous relationships. In this case, the stepchildren would need to be adopted by the applicable stepparent to be considered an heir at law.
In other situations, the client relatives may be much more distant, requiring more fact investigation. For example, take the case of a client who is unmarried and without children. In such a situation, the estate planner will need to pay close attention to identifying other relatives.
Of course, with an estate plan you can bequeath your estate to whomever you choose. You don’t have to give anything to any of your obvious or non-obvious heirs at law or any other relative for that matter. (In colloquial terms we could call this “stiffing your relatives.”) Although with that said, you cannot choose to disinherit a spouse.
This point reiterates why the estate planner should know and have updated contact information of who are the heirs at law. Again, it’s required that heirs at law be notified of probate process and these heirs (unlike a non-relative work colleague or neighbor) also have the legal standing to contest the will in court.
Another reason the estate planner must have knowledge of the heirs at law is to ward off fraudulent claims if need be. This reason is particularly important if the heirs at law are distant relatives. (An unfortunate real-world example of this involves Prince and the complicated intestate process following the singer’s passing without an estate plan.)
Bottom line: heirs at law are important when it comes to the distribution of your estate (with or without a will). Of course, dying intestate is NOT optimal and you DO need a will for a number of important reasons. I’d love to discuss the topic over the phone (515-371-6077) or via email. Don’t hesitate to contact me at any time!
[1] Bonus word! If an Iowan dies without a valid will, they die “intestate” and the laws of “intestate” succession are used to determine who will inherit the estate.